Gerald W. Haslam Received the 2021 AASLH Leadership in History Award


In June 2021, Gerald W. Haslam posthumously won the AASLH Award! The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) is a national association that provides leadership and support for its members who preserve and interpret state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all people.

        "June 2021—The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) proudly announces that author and historian Dr. Gerald W. Haslam is the recipient of an Award of Excellence for Individual Achievement in recognition of his decades-long career. The AASLH Leadership in History Awards, now in its 76th year, is the most prestigious recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of state and local history.

        "For more than five decades, Haslam (who passed away earlier this year after a long illness) carved a unique niche in American Literature, telling tales deeply rooted in the “Other California,' namely rural and small-town areas, particularly in the state’s San Joaquin Valley. Part faithful historian, part master storyteller, Haslam’s work reflects the area’s many contradictions. The region is an American 'soup,' seasoned with rough-and-tumble characters, migrant and immigrant voices, folks from all ages and stages of life, law abiding citizens and outlaws, societal conflicts and a multicultural reality.

        "In addition to novels, short stories, essays, biographies, and nonfiction works, Haslam has been published in national and regional magazines, was a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle's Sunday magazine, a contributing writer for the Los Angeles Times Sunday magazine, and an op-ed contributor to the Sacramento Bee. Haslam also served for a time as a commentator for KQED-FM's 'The California Report.' His writing is widely anthologized, and his books have been taught in university and adult education classes, where they’ve influenced countless curious minds."

        The AASLH awards program was initiated in 1945 to establish and encourage standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history throughout the United States. The AASLH Leadership in History Awards not only honor significant achievement in the field of state and local history, but also bring public recognition of the opportunities for small and large organizations, institutions, and programs to make contributions in this arena.

        For more information on the AASLH and the Award, Click Here!