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Wellsir, the way I heard it, Vanderhofen he walked directly into
that . . . that torrent, and he never give a try to swimming. The deputy
sheriff he'd just told him about the two girls, about not finding their bodies
I mean, and Vanderhofen he'd stood there for a minute, then wandered
real slow toward Coyote's Cataract right below his cabin like he was looking for his poor lost kids, then he was in the current before anyone realized
what he was doing. It was like the river just swallowed him, that deputy
told me. They never did find the body. They never found none of 'em.
The Kern River there, that danged cascade, it just chews folks up, batters
'em to pieces. A terrible thing.
"When the world was dry and all the things was so dry and thirsty, Coyote begun fasting and dancing and singing until finally Earth Father come to him and asked what he wanted. Coyote said, 'The people are dying of thirst, the plants are dying of thirst, the animals are dying of thirst, the rocks are dying of thirst, we are all dying of thirst.' And Earth Father took pity and tore open the great mountains and they bled the purest, coolest water to save the world. That is how Mother River was bom and that is why Coyote loves her."
I still recollect that first time Vanderhofen ever come by here. He was
with a group from the Kern County Museum that stopped at my place
for coffee on their way on up the canyon. They was looking for Indian
stuff—you know, mortars, rock drawings, old campsites—so I give 'em a
few tips, exchanged a few snappy sayings with this one cute little number.
The rest, they looked like if you put 'em on the street the cops might
mark their legs with yellow chalk.
May 7, 1922: I have determined that the woman known as Sally Joe (79 yrs) and the man known as Pasatiempo (84 yrs) are the last living speakers of Tubatulabal—a Shoshonean language that was restricted to Kern Canyon—Kroeber says it never had more than a thousand speakers—They are in poor health—The other informants (Roscoe Redbird 49 yrs, Robert Redbird 41 yrs, Julian Lopez 62 yrs) are no more than quarter-bloods and although they recall some traditional stories, their recollection of the language is slight and incomplete— To date I believe I have been able to identify most Tubatulabal phonemes and many morphemes as well—It is clearly a polysynthetic language—It will never be heard again on this Earth after these two informants die— I must work fast.
Not more'n a week later, he come back and he had Indian Sal, another
old-timer called Pasatiempo, and those two little girls
that looked a lot
like him in tow. One was, I'd say, maybe four years old, and the other
was about a year, year-and-a-half, younger—cute little muffins. Like I
said, I never seen a wife with him and he wasn't the kind of guy you
questioned too close. Anyways, he walked right into my cafe with those
Indians and kids, sat in one of the booths, and bought 'em lunch—I'd
never had Indians inside before, never even thought about it, and they
probably never had either, I'll bet. They never had any money ever.
"One time Coyote wanted Mother River to love him and he visited her all the time and talked to her and begged her, but she was true to Earth Father. So Coyote— he was white then like the moon— he determined to trick her into loving him so he rolled himself in mud and dirt until only his d----- belly was white, and he came to her and said he was Earth Father, but when she let him touch her, some of the mud and dirt washed off and she was very angry and almost drowned him before he escaped. After he ran away he realized he could not wash the mud stains from his back and his head, and that is why he is still stained brown."
Wellsir, one day I run into Vanderhofen in the grocery store up at
Kernville and, seeing as we was neighbors, I just asked real casual why
he'd chose such a out-of-the-way location, there above Nee-Chee-Say-Too. He measured me for a minute and I wished I hadn't said nothing,
then he almost whispered, "My work requires privacy." That was all. He
had those two little girls with him and they both give me the sweetest little hellos, but a second later while I tried to make pleasant conversation
with their father, I heard or half-heard, really, them talking to each other
in some sort of strange mixture of lingos, English but all messed up by
something else. I couldn't savvy 'em.
Feb. 27, 1923: Sally Joe died suddenly but my plan has worked beyond my wildest dreams.—Both Betsy and Martha are now fluent in Tubatulabal—We have saved a language as old as time.—It happened far more quickly than I had imagined possible.—My own efforts to learn the language are slow and halting.—It is a singularly difficult tongue to master but somehow the children grasp it easily— Thanks to my girls, we have defied history!
Anyways, not long after old Indian Sal passed away, this young guy that
worked for the Kern County Museum he come up from Bakersfield to
visit the doctor, and he stopped at my place to ask for directions, so I give
him a cup of coffee on the house and quizzed him a little, and danged
if he didn't come right out and tell me what was up. It seems that Vanderhofen he was making a book of that Indian talk, such as it was.
"One time Coyote he couldn't find no woman to, you know, stick his p----- in, so he snuck up to Mother River where she was all soft and slow and real pretty and he unrolled his big long p----- and, you know, stuck it into her. Just when he got to pumping, the river she clamped down and he couldn't pull out and his p----- it started jumping like a trapped snake and Coyote he was roaring and scratching and the river there she churned all up and churned all up until finally, you know, she snapped his p----- off and that's why he's got just a little red nub now, all sore. And the place where he did that to her it's that big cataract, you know, Ni'chisa'tu that means p----- of Coyote still churning and you can still hear Coyote roaring if you go there. And sometimes Indians would go there to fish and not come back and nobody could ever find them. That's because Coyote's p-----, you know, it lured them and got them. And that is where all the Indians have gone. Coyote's p----- is angry because Mother River loves them, and it, you know, likes to trick those Indians and take them."
Wellsir, old Pasatiempo he had a stroke and when they found him at
his place they rushed him down to the county hospital in Bakersfield. I
heard that he was paralyzed and couldn't talk no more at all. I don't know
for sure because he never come back. Robert Redbird he told me that
Vanderhofen visited the old man down there real often. I wouldn't know
that either because by then the doctor he'd stopped coming into my place
much, except once in a great while he'd bring those girls by for a Coke.
Mostly, though, they kept to themselves over there across the river just
above Nee-Chee-Say-Too with their cable car pulled to their own side.
May 6, 1923: Not only have Betsy and Martha learned the language, they have now committed to memory the tales I recorded from Sally Joe, Pasatiempo, Roscoe, Robert, and Julian—They are my loves and my life— Why has no one else, not even Kroeber, thought to record these God-given languages as I have— Children must be taught a language by native speakers so that it will truly live and be perpetuated; it is the only answer—With children the cultures can be saved before they are entirely lost—Whole ways of seeing and being may be saved— Another, nearly forgotten, California may be preserved.
I don't know what possessed those two little girls to try to ride the cable
car across the river on their own or how they got up strength enough to
pull themselves out as far as they did. It just don't make sense and it's so
danged sad. Anyways, this truck driver he happened to be going by uphill
on the road and he seen them fall into the river, almost like they was
jumping in he said, so he pulled into my place and I right away called
the sheriff, then me and Smitty and the driver we rushed over to the river,
but there really wasn't nothing we could do, I knew, except hope to find
the bodies. Folks they fall in or try to swim here every year and if you
don't get to 'em right now, they're gone. Poor little muffins.
"Here is what my grandmother told me: Many years ago there was no world only empty sound and Mother River was sad. 'I need children and a world for them,' she said, and she called to Earth Father but he couldn't understand her words because they were only empty sound. So she prayed and prayed until she kept getting smaller and tighter and her sound kept getting tighter and smaller until it was a terrible hiss that shook the heavens and opened the earth, and finally Earth Father understood and he said, 'You will be my wife and we will make a world and we will make our children.' That is how she made our language and how our language made our world." You see what I mean? Can you imagine a grown man, a so-called doctor, spending all his time writing down that kind of stuff and not taking good care of his kids, letting them fall into Nee-Chee-Say-Too? Not me, I can tell you that much. Where I come from his kind wouldn't be tolerated. And his work, his great work— hah! All that paper'll do is start a fire for me. It's not worth a dime.
Winner of 1990 Josephine Miles Award. Another California can also be found at the Native American Cultural Center website (http://www.nativecc.com/LiteratureGerald.html) |